Readers, Sacristans, Ushers(Greeters)


Our Readers are a dedicated group of parishioners whose love of Scripture is reflected in their ministry of
proclaiming the Word of God.  

Purpose: To enhance the worship life and communal celebration of the Mass by proclaiming the Written Word.

Preparation: To study, reflect and prayerfully prepare the assigned reading.

Expectations of the Volunteer: To appear on assigned date and time for Mass fully prepared to proclaim the reading(s), present themselves in proper attire, and to show reverence for the Written Word.

Qualifications: Diocesan guidelines specify ministers must be fully initiated in Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, and if married, be in a valid marriage. They must be willing to participate as assigned by the scheduling program.

Support for the Volunteer: Ministers will receive in-house training and will be provided with a monthly schedule and a handbook from which to prepare the readings. The reader will receive updates on liturgical changes and needed information from the coordinator of the ministry.



Men or women set the altar for daily, weekend, funeral and special liturgies.
The Sacristan shows a great love for the Mass and reverence for all the vessels that are used for its celebration.
Good organizational skills are needed.

Training required.



St. Anthony the Abbot’s Greeter/Usher Ministry is made up of parishioners who serve the Church Community, both before
and after Mass. We seek to create a welcoming, warm, friendly and hospitable atmosphere which helps to instill
reverence  for the presence of Christ in our Community at Mass.

The Greeter/Usher Ministry is here to help all parishioners, especially those who need special care or attention, and to answer questions that might arise.

They direct people to Communion and collect the offerings.

Our Ministry is open to men, women, families, and teens who personally take on the responsibility of service to our Parish family. 

They need to be available at least fifteen minutes before Mass.

Some training required.  

Please contact the Parish Office for more information about these ministries at (352)796-2096, or e-mail
Liturgical Ministry Schedule