Eucharist for Children


Preparation for First Reconciliation (Confession) and First Eucharist (Holy Communion)

  • All students who are seven (7) years of age and older and have attended two (2) consecutive years of religious education in a Catholic program and have been baptized are eligible to make First Confession and First Holy Communion.

  • A copy of the student's Baptism Certificate is required as we notify the Church of Baptism of the student's completion of a Sacrament.  If your child was baptized here at St. Anthony the Abbot, let us know as we have the Baptism information in our files.  If your child was baptized at another church we will need a copy of the Baptism certificate.
  • First Reconciliation (Confession) is made in December.  First Holy Communion is made in May.

  • Contact 352-796-2096, Ext. 104 for further information, or by  E-mail: