The Parish Nurse Program is designed to foster our physical, emotional and spiritual well being. Its purpose is to make us more aware of the gift of life God has given us and help us with resources to nurture and maintain that gift. This ministry is to serve as a resource on health matters in the following ways:
1) Provide blood pressure screening after each Mass on the second Sunday each month. 2) Answer questions and address concerns individuals may have regarding their physical well being. 3) Health & medication teaching & counseling, physician & health care referral, visits to the homebound. 4) Present Prevention Health Programs on frequently occurring health problems.
The overall goal is to link two healing communities that compliment each other: health care agencies and the parish. The Parish Nurse Program is part of a wider national program that strives to make available services as outlined above. This ministry is not meant to provide clinical nursing care, but rather to aid & to teach this program in our parish.
To enable this ministry to develop, we need people who work in the health care field or who are retired from it, and who are willing to share their talents and expertise. Nursing experience is required. One can give as much time as one's schedule allows. Anyone interested in learning more about this ministry, or becoming part of it, please call Jodi at the Parish office 352-796-2096.