Fr. Pecchie's Message 03/29/20 (part 2)

I would like to share with you some words from Fr. George Rutler to help keep things in perspective:

In any generation, crises provoke a reaction to the fact of human mortality.  In their anxiety, those unwilling to acknowledge, that tend to decry catastrophes as if they were intrusions into the obvious circumstance that life is a fragile gift.  So they become paranoid about disease, demographics, climate change and other metaphors for the simple reality of impermanence. 

Death is nothing new.  Until now, everyone has done it.  Our Lord would speak of it with a strange mixture of gravity and nonchalance.  It is prelude to a permanent realm of which every anatomical breath is an intimation by virtue of its impermanence.  Anxiety ignores the promise that accompanies the warning:  "As in Adam, all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive." 

Saint Charles Borromeo led a procession in prayer to mitigate the plague in Milan in 1576, caring for upwards of seventy thousand dying and starving people.  Death meant nothing to him, save an opening to Paradise.  For all his mystical intuitions, he also enjoyed playing billiards, and when asked what he would do if he had only fifteen minutes more to live, he responded, "Keep playing billiards."

One of the Church's youngest saints, Dominic Savio, told Saint John Bosco that if the Holy Angel blew his trumpet for the end of all things while he was on the playground, he would just keep on playing.  That is how we should want to play each day of our lives, in a friendship with God that will not find Heaven unfamiliar.  In 1857, fourteen-year-old Dominic's last earthly words were:  "Oh, what wonderful things I see!"

A saint is one who can stand at the eternal gates and say, "Hello.  I am home."

For the Sake of His Sorrowful Passion, Have Mercy on us and on the Whole World.......Fr. Pecchie
MARK YOUR CALENDARS - 33 Day Consecration to ST. Joseph March 30-May 1 - Pick up books.  No  meeting.

*****CANCELED    April 4th Lenten Day of Recollection - Fr. Mitch Pacwa    CANCELED*****


  • ed lamontagnePosted on 5/09/20

    I will be so happy when we reopen the church so that we can all attend mass again, and receive the Holy Eucharist. To every on have a safe and health life until then! Ed Lamontagne.