The Widows Mite

I am grateful to all who have been continuing to the support the church with your offerings; either by dropping it in the box at Church, online giving, in the office mailbox or by regular snail mail, your continued support has been a tremendous blessing. In talking to other Pastors, that has not been the case at all parishes, so I am eternally grateful.  But I want to share with you what was found in the Church box.  There was an Easter Flower Offering envelop, no name on it but there was a note on the lines for family members to be remembered.  The handwriting looked like that of a child but it could have been an adult.  The "Who" is not what is important, the seventy-five cents inside is not so important, it is the Note that is important.   On the envelop was written a few simple words: "It's all I have right now a little helps next time more."  Such simple heartfelt words.  Who knows what that sacrifice means to that persons situation right now.  But he/she gave of their want.  A true spirit of generosity and trust in the Lord. The word of God says what you give to the Lord you will receive back 100 fold.  What a powerful testimony of faith and trust in God's providence.  May we all learn to be generous as our God is generous to each of us.  regardless of our socio-economic status we all have the potential to experience the fullness of God's love if we just step out in faith, trust, and confidence .


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